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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

MJX, T-Series 38

This is the first indoor helicopter I have found from this brand.  MJX T-Series also make the highly sort after and durable T-34 outdoor helicopter.  However I have always suspected that people are attracted by the T-34 because of it's LCD radio transmitter, not the actual helicopter.  Still lets get back to the T-38.

The T-38 out of the box does not give you the quality feel of the S107G.  However its price tag of £15-£20 (include delivery) is more attractive.  The chassis is a lightweight alloy unlike the S107G and the plastic parts look and feel cheaper.  The T-38 is a 3 channel helicopter giving a good range of movement.  It's stability is only rivalled by the S107G, you can set it at a height, put the controller down and walk away.

What's good: The T38 is a good flyer, very stable and you will pick up the controls quickly.  Spares are available from ebay however will not be as easy to locate as the S107G.  The price is very attractive.

What's bad:  Clearly this has been built for price, not performance.  Saying that it performs fairly well but is horrifically slow in horizontal flight.  The gearing system is a direct motor to gearing shaft, limiting it's lift and power rate. Looks cheap and lacks widespread parts support.

Conclusion:  Not cheap enough to warrant buying over the S107G.  A good hunt around and you will find them at the same price.  To be fair I only got my hands on it today, but I think it will break if it takes too much abuse.

7 out of 10

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