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Monday, 19 December 2011

Radio Gear (beginners guide)

Just a quick explanation of radio controls and channels.

The indoor helicopters come with infra red controllers.  This means they work like your TV/DVD remote controls.  They are best suited to indoor use.  Most have several settings (A,B,C) to allow more helicopters to be flown at the same time.

The outdoor helicopters come with Radio Control, they use radio waves.  These come in different frequencies, mostly 27MHz and 40MHz.  To use two helicopters at the same time you should make sure they are on different frequencies.  Although I have found it is not always the case because of channels (explained below).

2,3 or 4 channels?

The amount of channels a helicopter has will control what movement you can do with it.

2 Channel;  2 channels are the most basic.  They will allow you to climb+move forward (all in one motion) and swivel left and right.

3 Channel; 3 channel is now the most popular which has probably transformed the R/C heli world.  You can climb and hover (one channel), as well as move forward and backward with separate control (two channel).  The third channel will give you the swivel left and right motion.  This configuration is the most suitable for beginners.

4 channels have been up till now used exclusively for the expensive R/C heli's.  However several good 4 channels have recently come out at cheap prices.  They do the same as a 3 Channel with the 4th channel being used to strafe or bank left or right.  These things can be manoeuvred very quickly and can also be flown as a 3 channel so can also be good for beginners.

Forget anything with 6 channels or collective pitch unless you want to join a model aircraft club!!

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